锡兰钢铁集团主席致辞 Chairman
Ceylon Steel Group
Sri Lanka has the potential to outsmart and out beat any player in the world
Like most of the youth of the ‘80s, I too migrated, thinking greener pastures are to be had over there. But I can vouch now, in Sri Lanka the prospects are much richer and brighter and greater –though I had my share of good fortune in rising from the ranks up the corporate ladder to pow vow with the renowned and the famous of the business world, and I myself became successful in my endeavors.
正是这种现实,促使我回到了我的卑微的开始之地 在我看来,如果机会有限,但我可以改变我的工作方式,来为这个到处都是充满资源国家提供帮助,就更不用说有技术和才能的年青一代。
我坚信,如果可以从企业家的角度正确地把握这一点,那么斯里兰卡的天空是无极限。 我回到斯里兰卡的第一笔投资是2009年从一家韩国实体手中收购了锡兰重型工业和建筑有限公司(CHICO)。这家钢铁巨人让人有民族自豪感,并通过LANWA改名为Ceylon Steel Corporation Limited, Sanstha Wane作为其民族品牌。不久之后,Rigid Tire Corporation Limited在Horana 开始建设,而我自豪地宣布第一批-兰瓦产品的生产已经开始进行。
I firmly believe, If this can rightly be captured in an entrepreneurial sense, sky would be the limit for Sri Lanka. This landscape photo makes people feel tranquility and harmony.
我的第三个合资企业,位于汉班索塔的Sanstha水泥有限公司计划于明年初开始生产,从而促进我国的基础设施建设。 在所有这些生产活动中,我的目标是要注入最先进的科学技术和知识,让我们有才能的儿女在自己的祖国可以拥有丰衣足食的就业机会
So that the country can fast forward socially, economically, and industrially.
